

Just a homework i had to prepare for the most kick-ass class i've heard of...

The night was cold and silent when i stepped outside and started to walk down the street. I was in no hurry. There was still time and the light of the moon kept good company.
Suddently the weather became windy and i could feel certain parts of my body getting smaller. "That's why men hate the cold!" i said to myself after slipping my hand deeper in my pockets. I turned my eyes back to the moon and i could feel it smiling back at me. I stopped for a moment trying to keep my head together and i heard a strange voice.
-Dude, why are you walking down the street tonight? It's really cold out here!
-Moon?! What the hell... Confused i decided really fast to go with the flow. Well, you know... Inside i could feel everything moving, the T.V. had only comedy channels, the radio as well and it seems that the letters on my keyboard were running away from my fingertips. So i got really scared and decided to leave the damned house because, i figured, it might be haunted by Joker- you know, the evil character from Tom & Jerry...
-You mean Batman!
-Exactly! Anyway, on my way to the door i decided to say goodbye to my little fridge and the basterd opened his door and kicked me in a bad place! Without feeling the pain i screamed and raced myself to the door... Of course i won because the other me had no socks on! I'm bad-ass, right?! High five dude! Anyway, when i was finally at the door i remembered that my girlfriend asked me to do the dishes and buy some more milk and cookies. Personally, i have no idea why she asked me that, it's not Christmas, you know, Santa isn't coming tonight! Anyway, as far as i know the supermarket closes at 10 PM and judging by your position on the sky, i recon it's only 9 PM now. So i'm just walking down the street with my Nike's on, keeping it cool, admiring you... Say, you do are gorgeous Moon, you know that? I just love you pale light and those beautiful blue eyes of yours...
-Dude, I'm a dog, what the hell?!
-Aaaaaaa! Fear just overwelmed me and my legs started running with the speed of light. The sad part was that each leg wanted to go in a different direction. "No, this can't be happening right now! Stupid legs, work together, you're a team! Please, take me far away from the talking dog!" i regained control of them quickly.
After like an eternity i looked back and saw nothing so i decided to stop and catch my breath for a while. The moon was still up there watching over me but i knew better: "No more looking at the Moon tonight mister! Eyes on the road!" i commanded myself. Obviously i followed my own orders but could not help going 10 more meters to the right where a really cute kitty was lying on the ground. As i approached she raised her head and looked at me with her eyes filled with fear:
-Dude, are you crazy?! A fucking talking dog!? She screamed...

Indeed pointless ^^


The friendship theory

In my view, just some basics shit I found out in 22 summers. (FYI: I will replace ‘don’t’ with ‘dun’)

If you dun already know this it’s a fucking MUST to have friends. Also it’s fucking hard to find real friends and keep them. Humans are sociable beings that will always be more extraordinary when working together. If you dun believe me just have a look through history and see that 90% of the great things we know/have were accomplished by teamwork. However I’m not going to talk about teamwork here. I just want express my personal opinion about friendship and a personal theory regarding how to find buddies or people to talk to; if you accomplished this you’ve made the first step towards finding friends (yes! Friend does not equal buddy or pal).

First of all you should avoid being a smart-ass, even if you are a genius, if you read 10 times more than the others. People usually hate to stand corrected by other people their own age or classmates. Actually, scratch that ‘usually'... People HATE to stand corrected by other people their own age or by classmates.

Second, try to blend in. Most of the time the others won’t discriminate you for your looks, clothing style or if you have a funny accent. Have a look around you and see how the others behave, what are their habits and stuff like that and adjust yourself to the ‘environment’. If everybody’s laughing and having a good time don’t be a fun breaker by raising your eye-brown and walking away and also if everybody is talking about a certain theme not related to school or daily activities don’t interrupt with questions regarding school, homework, work, meetings no matter what. You risk getting ignored or getting an unsatisfying answer.

Educate yourself. You must know that people love gossip. People will always talk behind one’s back, make jokes and laugh if one is, let’s say unpopular. Nevertheless, the unpopular ones will always make jokes about the popular ones but that’s not my point here. What I’m trying to say is that eventually these jokes become obvious and you can tell when they make fun of you. You just gotta read their body language and notice the way they react when you ask something or if they laugh when you say a joke, or the speed that they change from the subject proposed by you to a totally different one.

Search! Unlike your parents, you can choose your friends. Have a look around you and try to notice the people that act in the same way you do, that like to do the same things you do, that have something-no matter how tiny that something is- in common with you. In this way you have a much higher chance of getting to know that person(s) in a much easier way.

Dun be a fucking social retard! If you see someone new that’s sitting silent in the back of the room dun rush ahead with that stupid retarded type smile and say “Hi, my name is... !”. People that dun want to talk with other people because they have a bad day or whatever, have a big sign above their heads saying that. Read it for fuck sake! Also dun try too much to be like the others. For example if everybody near you tells funny jokes about poop or whatever and you have something in mind that doesn’t sound quite funny, keep it there and keep listening and laughing. And if you see the others laughing their ass off dun be afraid to go with the flow and laugh your ass off as well. Just a simple smile will tell them that you didn’t quite like that certain joke.

Cursing. If the people you talk with like to use dirty words you should do it as well-do not cross the line thou, there’s a fine line between cool cursing and being a retard that always uses ‘my dick’('Pula mea' pe româneşte). By refraining from this you obviously show that you’re not quite one of them, that you dun like to have fun the same way they do. On the other way around, if they use an elevate way of talking and dun like vulgar words, dun use them because you’ll offend them.

Read people! If you’ve just met someone and the next day he/she doesn’t come to ask you ‘How are you?’ and hangs out with somebody else that did the same thing, it means they hate something about you. No, most likely there’s nothing wrong with you but you just dun bond and most likely you never will. Get over it quickly...

Dislikes. If the group of people you’re hanging with dislike someone/something do the same even if it means being a hypocrite. Most of the time you’ll find out they were right about that thing/person all along. Doing different will most of the time get you slowly rejected.

Be yourself but... It is best to show your true personality from the beginning, your flaws, your qualities or whatever you decide. Every person has dark secrets so d’oh! Dun show them all as some of them may be considered disgusting or you could be judged for them in a wrong way. Also, try to find a balance in exposing your entire personality as people tend to like mysterious, more or less hard to read persons.

Go with the flow! If the ones you’re hanging out with decide to do something crazy you should do it as well if you enjoy the time spent with them. It’s all about bonding and people tend to bond a lot when being happy or drunk or whatever. It’s all about special moments, moments that will live forever.

Danger’s lurking! It’s more or less dangerous to have a really close friend of the other sex. Most of the time, if you’re in a relationship or if the other person is, you’ll find qualities in her/him that you like more than in your girlfriend/boyfriend thus the danger to get hurt appears. Dun even think to go around expressing your feelings because that will fucking ruin everything and you’ll lose a good friend. Yes, I’m talking from experience here and yes this mostly affects boys as in if a girl will say that she likes a dude too much they will end up having sex but it could end with someone getting hurt as well. Rarely thou...

Smoking... I’m not saying you should smoke. Hell no, it’s fucking expensive! But smoking is the activity that will most likely get you to know people, it’s a sociable activity, no doubt about that. The topics discussed at a cigarette dun usually involve school or work meaning that this makes people bond and obviously that smoking all the time around the same people will get you buddies because you sometimes run outta smokes, you sometimes need a lighter or maybe you have a cool type of tobacco that the others would love to try. In case you’re a smoker shit is easy: find the other smokers and you won some friends/buddies or whatever you want to call them.

Just for dudes: shaking hands. It’s common to shake hands (at least in Romania) with the other dudes you know or are in a group where you know 1 dude (Yes for fuck sake! When you salute one dude from a group, shake hands with the others as well! Or dun shake hands with anyone) make sure you apply the correct pressure to the other one’s hand. Dun squeeze it too hard because sometimes it fucking sucks! He doesn’t fucking care you’re a strong stud and that muscles poor out of your body! Also about the salutation ways... If you consider shaking hands with another dude by doing 5 moves that involve the actual hand shaking you should stop it. Two ways are more than enough, more than two will more or less make you look strange or even gay considering you like to feel another dude’s hand so much time. Also about verbal salutation, especially when leaving... If the other dudes say “Good luck!” (Baftă! sau Noroc! in romanian) dun fucking say “Buh-bye!”( gen “papaaaa”). Just a simple manly “Bye” or “See you!” or the traditional “Ciao!” will do the trick.

Last but not least: dun try too hard! If you’re trying too much to fit in or to look pleasant for the others they will most of the time consider you fake and this will make them grow in confidence and reject you even more. If it doesn’t quite work from the first or second time leave it as it is and you may become a some sort of mysterious person that will raise their curiosity thus increasing your chances to get to know them eventually. It’s simple sometimes, even if the others reject you, a simple moment can make them change their mind and accept you arms wide open...

There you have it, my personal view about making friends/buddies or whatever. Most of the things I wrote come from personal experiences but more of them are written by observing others. Also, please dun get offended by anything (I have no idea by what you could get offended), I apologize in advance in case I hurt anyone’s feelings. And to conclude, there’s actually no certain rules you should obey in order to get friends, there’s no actual theory to follow; who likes you the way you are, with your flaws, qualities and sick ideas is the right person for a friend.

Remember, after you found some friends, the battle to keep them as close friends begins. Trust me, it's a battle, a challenge and it is loooooooong...


I'm missing...

The title may lead you to something else but i am talking about the past. It's fucking weird how time passes really fast when you're happy and slow as shit when you're in pain and misery. Also it seems that we can't always remember details about a certain moment when we felt happiness in it's true meaning... For example, i remember perfectly, each second, when i first broke my left hand. I remember each tear and the stupid boogies poring from my nose while i stood like a homeless kid on the stairs of the block alone. Alone because all the other kids got scared and ran away!

Anyway, i miss childhood. I hate growing older although when i was a kid all i wanted was to reach 18, to grow-up. I miss that time when i didn't know the meaning of words like: responsibility, worries, money or work. I miss hearing my mum saying "It's 9 o'clock! Go outside and play!", i miss playing with toy cars in the dirt, i miss playing 'hide and seek', i miss eating warm bread while playing football, i miss fighting with the other kids and after 30 minutes getting back to being friends, i miss watching Tom & Jerry, i miss playing "Flori, fete sau baieti" (sorry guys, idk any translation) or "Porcu rade/Ciocolata". I miss the concept of liking a girl back then, when we were literally kicking them to show our "love". I miss running like a freak all day long and i miss cursing older people and then running away laughing.

It's fucking strange how things "evolve" nowadays. Obviously i know kids of 8 or 10 y/o that instead of going outside and play, they waste their childhood in front of a computer playing video-games and chatting online. Well, this should be a good thing because internet is supposed to mean the best way of information providing infinite sources of knowledge. But... You all know the downside of this. You all know the "messenger" language and the "cool" language: instead of 'E' they use '3', instead of "i" they use "1" or "!", instead of "c" they use "k" and so on. You'd think they are getting wiser and their minds are stronger but it isn't quite so...

Then there's the other side. The ones that go outside and "play". Fun in their way?! Fuck yeah! Smokes, alcohool, spices, hip-hop and "manele" (you know what this is!) singing from fancy phones behind blocks. I was shocked a couple of days ago when i heard that a grown up was stabbed by a 11 y/o with a fucking screwdriver! The reason?! The dude didn't want to lend that kid a smoke! Well scream with me: HOLLY FUCKING FUCK! When i was that young all i was thinking about was getting money to buy a fancy plastic robot, a radio controlled car or shetloads of chocolate, sweets and juice! I hate myself for this but i am getting back to my older question "Is everything fucked up?" and the only answer i know is "Seems so!" Okay let's say i'm being judge mental here, you'd think that it's their life and they can do whatever they want with it but think about the future for a second. What will society become if the youth acts like this?

Still, i miss school, i miss high-school, i miss playing "Rentz" in the bar from 8 in the morning till 2 in the afternoon while struggling to drink a coffee in 4 hours. I miss throwing with eggs in the crowd during Easter night when everybody seems to forget its sins and head to a church for the Holly Light. I miss getting my ass kicked by mum for not being at home at 9 PM, i miss seeing one of my friends getting his ass kicked for stealing money from his mother after she finds out about it. I miss cursing old ladies for not letting me climb up tree, i miss making parachutes from bed lingerie and then throwing ourselves from the 1st floor of the kinder garden. I miss playing in the snow with boogies poring from my nose, i miss throwing a stick at tree branches for apricots or climbing up a tree up 'till the 3rd floor of a block just to get a handful of cherries, i miss falling down from a tree, i miss making boulders from wet dirt and throwing them at a wall. Fuck! I'm a nostalgic!

It's strange to walk through the neighborhood where you grew up and see that everything has changed. Some trees are no longer there, there are more cars, the fences which we used to climb are no more, the entrance doors from the block are painted in a different color, the old lady that was never letting you play football in front of her window is no longer there, the holes in the dirt where we used to throw coins are no longer there, the sidewalks where we used to draw with chalk are occupied by cars... Just remembering everything how it used to be seems to bring a strange smile upon your face, the feeling is awesome!

So work with me and let's invent a fucking time machine!


I won't believe the lies that hide the truth!

I just feel the need to talk a little about the means of information nowadays. There's quite a few of them, some are extremely popular for some people, some less. It's true that a well informed human can consider himself one step ahead of others. But...
Why the fuck should i care about what different so called VIPs do daily?! Why the fuck all i seem to see on TV is related to what the president does in his private life or to what car some famous footballer crashed on his way back home from the disco? Why do they show us news about what 90 years old 'chick' has been raped by a sick 19 years old fuck? Why do they always talk about old people that complain about their pension when all i see is old people in supermarkets with their baskets filled with the best quality products out there? Why do they insist on what some famous dude or classy model said about the economy or about poor people?!
WE DUN FUCKING CARE! Or at least, we shouldn't care. But...
Obviously something's wrong. Sumthin's so fucking wrong!

D'oh! TV shows and newspapers rely on subjects like this because 90% of the population encourages them to do so! 90% of the people out there buy a newspaper everyday just to read about VIPs and their stupid mistakes. 90% of the people browsing the internet only look after news concerning music, films, modeling, fashion, cars and last but not least porn- which i have nuthin' against, i love it myself actually. Nevertheless, do you see my point?
You can't exactly call them means of information, can you? They dun inform you properly anymore, they just pull your attention away from the things that should concern you! Personally i've stopped watching the news or browsing for news on the internet a while ago.
What does information mean nowadays and how can you get it?! Well fuck me, except opening your eyes wider and looking around you, i have no fucking clue! It's obvious that in a world like this, where we care more about how rich people spend money or about who had sex with who cheating on his/hers wife/husband things will go from bad to worse. Have you seen the film 'Idiocracy'? If you haven't, you should! If you had, do you think that future is impossible to happen?!
I just wish that a few reporters or whoever decides what IMPORTANT news really are, would concentrate more on finding, investigating and then putting on display REAL solutions for nowadays problems. I'm talking about interviewing people that do make money during this period of time about how do they do it. I'm talking about helping the police catching thieves cuz obviously the police is to busy throwing their helmets on the ground. By thieves i'm refering to the ones that steal millions of dolars or euros. Also i would love to see this circus end. I'm talking about these stupid dumb-ass politicians that come to talk-shows with a huge smile on their face pretending everything's all right.
Obviously we need a change! Everybody's aware of that and everybody's saying it. But as i 'learned' at school today, the letter 'a' before the word 'change' represents an article showing nothing actually. Seems that nobody is able to say what exactly that change is...

And i still wants zupah powaz to fly away...


The end

Am luat decizia de a mă opri aici cu postatul fabuloasei mele 'cărţi'. 'Riot' continuă dar o face pe caietul, foile şi pe unde mai scriu căci sunt tare împrăştiat.

Totuşi blog-ul nu am să-l închid, simt o nevoie ciudată de a-mi exprima sentimentele de furie sau fericire aici. Da, mi se pare un clişeu, nu sunt tocmai sigur că lumea o să citească ce voi scrie, ştiu că mă contrazic, am jurat că nu am să-mi fac blog ca să scriu viziunea mea asupra lumii dar în cele din urmă nu îmi pasă. Dacă mă simt bine făcând asta înseamnă că trebuie să continui să o fac şi o voi face în engleză pentru că mulţi prieteni ce nu sunt români mi-au cerut asta.

Here we go...

Everything seems to be fucked up!

Is it? Seems so. I have no idea why some of us need to go through such a big struggle in order to achieve just a small part of their dreams.
I used the plural form "we" because i would like... No, i WANT to believe that i am not the only one going through this phase. God knows it sucks big time. Going through shity jobs, meeting all sort of rich, ignorant and arrogant bastards that treat you like a small bug on the pavement, sleeping only a couple of hours each night because you are forcing your brain to find one simple solution that will make everything end, that'll bring sunshine on your face again, forcing yourself to smile in certain situations or leaning your head down and saying "yes sir, I apologise". Your plans change constantly because everything is variable and you find out that you depend on so many things. You need an awful amount of courage to quit something that doesn't quite works and start from scratch. Beside the guts, you also need to know that once you took that step you will more or less find yourself on your own and that most of the people that used to be your friends will just become random people which say "Hi!" to you from time to time and rarely ask you "Dude, how are? How's things going? Need a hand with that?".
It's true that almost all of us turn to God when facing a hard situation. I have no idea if there's really somebody up there watching over us and if that somebody really listens to our tiny prayer. Just a "God, let it be a good day today!" doesn't quite seem to do the trick. I, personally, believe that religion has absolutely nothing to do with our success or failure. We want something really bad, we gotta fight for it, we gotta make sacrifices, we gotta say no to a shitload of things and maybe, in the end, we gonna be able to achieve a small part of the 'something' that we fought for and then find out that we want a lot more. When the fight is over and we got what we wanted, that thing doesn't quite seem as appealing as it did before, doesn't it? We always need more, we always ask for more, we need new battles our entire life...
I tried a small 'exercise' i read about in a crazy-ass book. The exercise was actually about 'how to be good as a debutant writer' but i thought it applies very well to life. I've found a kick-ass emo song, you know, a deep, meaningful song that makes you think about life, eternity and so on and tried to visualize my entire life till that point. Took me a while to be honest but i saw that the moments when i was truly happy were kinda blurry. The moments when i felt anger, when i did mistakes, when i was in pain were crystal clear. I tried to do this in order to find out where i went wrong and avoid that road in the future- obviously, i couldn't repair my past mistakes. Found them, meditated on them a little and then i realized that there's really no fucking point in this. What exactly do i want to achieve?! Thanks to this amazing exercise my plans changed again...

I love that people say "First change yourself and then change the world!" or "Do something to make things better!" or "It's all up to you!" or "The fate of the Earth lays on our shoulders!" or "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Man, screw that stuff! For once i would like to find someone that will tell me exactly what i gotta do to make things right, a concrete solution. My mind seems to be retarded, i can't find it on my own no matter how much i try... Then again, you think global change can happen so easy?! Do you see that hope? You think that if you raise the awareness of people regarding a huge global problem they will all go "Holly crap! I will do something right now!" ? Hell no! They will all just say "Dude, that's fucked up indeed!" and the next second go back to their habits.

Countless days i've sat after getting off from work in the bus station with the headphones in my ears, without hearing nothing else except the music, and just watched things around me. Like i was out of my body, like i was an alien observing the human race. Everything IS fucked up! Everybody's running towards something. Some have a nice, plain road, others have a country-side one with lots of bumps and then there's the other that instead of a road have an amazingly high mountain to climb and the cliffs never end. To make things even more complicated for the 'climbers' some of the cliffs sometimes break under their weight sending them back to the beginning. "There will be ups and downs" saying Snoop Dogg in one of his songs but sometimes, those 'ups' are just bullshit.

To sum it all up, YES, i wants zupah powaz to fly far away from Earth!!