
1000+ ways of global change

How i would change the world?

First of all i believe that we need to find out what "the world" is exactly for us. I for example, live in my own little world, which i love. It has tons of flaws but they are flaws that are accepted by me because they were born from me. That's right, I have my own universe, my own world with people that i allow inside.
If we look at the world as a total of 7 billion people... Oh well, this is a different story. It is extremely hard to change 1 person. It is almost impossible to take a group of people and make all of them have the same ideas, to fight for the same goals. Our world has, at the moment, 7 billion different pieces. Why we reached this point? I have no idea... Maybe it's because we live in a high-speed environment, maybe it's because happiness became overrated- we want money more than happiness, maybe we are too many and our thoughts interfere at a subconscious level in a negative way, maybe it's because we are going through a financial crisis, maybe it's because being a "good kid" and having good grades at school is so 2000 and late, maybe it's because we reached a point when because of your life experiences we only care about ourselves and a handful of other people, maybe it's because we became too old...
I do believe that in order to fix a problem we need to see what were the causes. Obviously some things are unchangeable. For example I saw countless of documentaries outlining the fact that we aren't appreciating what Planet Earth offers us, that we are wasting precious resources and that we need to start recycling now, to use alternative ways of getting for example electricity. Hell yea! I totally agree! I want to be Earth friendly too! But...
I may be wrong but as far as i know it takes ages for coal or oil to be naturally formed. It took like millions of years for a mountain to be created, it takes several decades for a tree to grow. It's true, if we start recycling now, our children children children children's will live in a better world. They will have a better living knowing that the Earth can sustain them for several generations more.
My question is: Why the hell we want to do this NOW? Why nobody else was trying to do the things we talk about at the moment like 50 or 100 years ago? Could it be because kids were kids till they became teenagers and teenagers till 30? Was life carefree then? Seriously now, are we doing our best to reach adulthood at the age of 20?! From my point of view this is stupid, I heard that being an adult sucks big time. I've been through crappy adult situations and after i managed to succeed, the joy wasn't quite as sweet as when i was 12 and Santa brought me a Tetris portable console.
Yep, being an adult sucks! Responsibility is painful! Our minds create for themselves an outer shell, like an armor, after each crappy situation we've been through. Either the ending was happy, either not, when we grow up our minds become harder to change. We "gain" our own strange ideas, our own conceptions based on what we've experienced so far. I won't claim I'm right about this and I'm sure that not all of us have this blockade at the intellectual level.
Getting back to the main topic, I think there are more than 1.000.000 ways to change the world but most likely only 10 of them have realistic chances to succeed. I keep seeing on TV politicians, business men and so on giving 10 years plans that have a chance to work. Okay, some of them sound realistic, achievable but WHAT IF they fail? We would lose 10 more precious years right?
What do WE need to do to change the world?( I do believe that each individual holds greater powers, powers beyond one's imagination but still... If you're not Superman, you can't quite change the world by yourself.) I think we need teamwork, i think we need to learn about something we never tried so far. We need to learn teamwork at a mental, intellectual level. It's easy to gather a hundred of people and clean up a polluted forest but you can't quite clean the entire planet by hand right? We need to learn to think together, in the same time, to unite our intellects and come up FAST with a valid solution. I will be realistic here and i am 100% sure that tons of people will judge me for this: I won't waste my youth, my "happiness", my life searching all by myself for a solution to heal the world. Humanity needed a few decades just to find out that you can create fire with two sticks...
Also I am pessimistic that my generation will be able to make a huge change in the world. To begin the process, yeah. I consider that my generation, together with 10 generations before us, should join hands and concentrate on changing the high-schoolers and even the ones younger than them. Let's face it, a kid has a huge influence on a grown-up. A little baby can instantly make you smile just by looking at you.
I'm a Christian, i believe we need a divinity to pray at but i don't think God or Allah or Buddha will help us this time. Let's face it, none of the above mentioned dug kilometers of tunnels under mountains, chopped off forests, erased mountains completely from the landscape, built enormous factories producing cars or simply burning coal. Neither God, Allah or Buddha thought about a way to win or to start a war and neither of them came with the idea of creating a weapon to kill millions in a blink of an eye and other millions over time. WE, we are the ones that did this. WE, the people. Why do we have such a big urge to change the world now? Because we aren't happy anymore, we are forced to exit that comfort zone that our grandparents lived in. It's true that we are facing the consequences of their mistakes but unfortunately we don't have where to run.
We gotta stand our ground and fight! WE! Together. 10% of my brain, 10% of yours, 10% of his, 10% of hers and so on. Sum it up and with only 10% of the world's population thinking about a way to make the world better, we will form 1 mega brain working at 7 billion% of it's intellect. Pretty amazing ha? But...
Can we do it? I sure like to think so because I, alone, all by myself, don't know any realistic way to change the world to better.

So change the title from "How i would change the world" to "How we should change the world"!


It's been a while...

Ştiu că a trecut extrem de mult de la ultima postare şi că probabil nimeni nu a mai dat pe aici să vadă ce pânze de păianjen au crescut. Am fost puţin nehotărât şi confuz în ultima perioadă, neştiind dacă să mai continui să postez sau dacă să păstrez pentru mine şi cel mai fidel cititor al meu, mama.

Am luat decizia de a continua să postez o parte din roman aici. Aşadar va mai urma un capitol din 'Riot' precedat de un articol pe care vreau să îl scriu de ceva timp. Am marea rugăminte la cei care mai citesc din când în când să îşi dea cu părerea, să îmi dea feedback, indiferent dacă e pozitiv sau negativ. Aici, pe facebook sau pe messenger...

Aşadar voi posta încă un episod din 'Riot' pe 17 Septembrie şi vă implor: daţi-mi feedback!

Best of wishes!